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This is where I get off. "Storyteller" was the last good episode of "Buffy: The Vampire Slayer", the last episode I watch when re-watching the series, and the only season 7 episode I watch. Screw that season.

I think that was part of the point of the flashback in "Beware the Creeper" too. In "Dreams in Darkness", the Arkham psychiatrist refers to The Joker as "Jack Napier", but in Jack Ryder's story about him in "Beware the Creeper", he refers to The Joker as someone who has gone under a lot of aliases. This is presumably

No, Killer Croc didn't get a full on origin story like Two-Face where he starts off as a somewhat normal person and becomes a villain by the end, but his backstory was explained in his first appearance.

It would move me to tears…if I still had tears to shed
Sava, you magnificent bastard. I am blown away by the progress here compared to when you first started reviewing this show. To throw in a totally appropriate quote from a different series: "there may be hope for you yet!". Finally, a scathing review for an

I guess this is another case where I'll be the lone voice of dissent, because I don't really care for "Small Potatoes". After the last time I watched it, I decided I have no desire to ever watch it again. I don't hate it, I just think "Dreamland" does everything it does better. I think of it as sort of a dry

His Eyes Uncovered
Beautifully written review, Zach. Probably my favourite you've written so far. The analysis of "Redemption: Part Two" was spot on, very eloquently expressing the same objections I had to it, and the "Darmok" write-up was a piece worthy of such a classic episode.

Whatever flaws "Art" might have (I never really thought there was much wrong with it and think Todd's being a bit too harsh), I'll always have a special place in my heart for it because of the joke about Tim falling asleep playing video games.

I read somewhere about there being a Woody Allen statue in Europe and saw a picture of it (I forget which city it's in). Seems a bit odd that this exists while there's no statue in New York given the ratio of movies he's made in New York to movies he's made in Europe. I guess he's big over there…especially in France,

After the awesomeness of the first Mr. Freeze episode, I was really pissed off by his appearance on "The New Batman Adventures". His new motivation was stupid and unconvincing and his new design was terrible. Thankfully, the "Batman Beyond" episode "Meltdown" redeemed him. Now I just pretend "Cold Comfort" never

I was going to mention "Second Chance", "Shadow of the Bat", and "Judgment Day", but I ran out of room. It's true, "Second Chance" is the only subsequent episode that really does the character and its introductory episodes justice. If you look at his other appearances, he's mostly just a stock gangster or an object of

The brighter the picture, the darker the negative
Now *THIS* is the first truly great episode of the series (part 1). This is the moment when the series delivered on the potential shown in "On Leather Wings". As a child, I enjoyed all of the early episodes (except "Nothing to Fear"), but "Two-Face (Part 1)" was the

Thankfully, we're through with all the mediocre Joker episodes now. With "The Joker's Favor" and "The Laughing Fish" on the way, it's all gravy from here as far Joker episodes go.

Romance and Trills
While I agree that romances haven't generally been Star Trek's strong suit (they tend to be one-dimensional and stretch believability on every series of the franchise), I think they're better than Zach gives them credit for on TNG. Personally I love the Picard and Vash romance (was really baffled by

C-? Fuggetaboutit!
As stupid as this episode is, it's still better than "Nothing to Fear". At least it's funny. The boss makes me laugh for the whole episode. His grotesque gluttony is so hilarious (love the P.O.V shot of his mouth opening as food goes in) and his greed is epic. My favourite line is when he complains

Thanks for asking, rootboy. I definitely think Two-Face is the first "A" episode. "Heart of Ice" deserves an "A" too, as those are two of the best, most beautifully written and emotionally powerful episodes of the whole series.

More like P.O.S. (I've been waiting weeks to say that).

Finally a review better than the episode it's about
Excellent review, Sava. Your best yet. So you can recognize mediocrity after all! The Sewer King was played by an actor who did a terrific job on "Star Trek" as the cocky, loudmouth Klingon who insults Kirk and the Enterprise in "The Trouble With Tribbles", inspiring

The only good part was Pete Postlethwaite
Whenever I see this guy's name, I always remember Roger Ebert saying he was the only good thing in "Jurassic Park: The Lost World" and "Romeo + Juliet". He was quite the craggy badass and did indeed rule. One of the coolest and most unique-looking character actors ever.

Your ratings are the "bane" of my existence
These are fun to read…as long as I close my eyes and pretend I didn't see the absurdly high rating. Unless you're going to give the truly great episodes "A + + + +" or some shit, your ratings are completely ridiculous. You've obviously seen the later episodes, so I can't