
Spoiler Alert: Mutants are back following Second Coming because Hope has the power of the Blue Power Ring which is activated by Wolverine being a member of the Avengers, New Avengers, X-Men, Daughters of the Canadian Revolution, and apparently Uncanny X-Force.

I sat through the whole movie waiting for Cage to get his exploded but nooooooooo… he gets burned and gets to say goodbye to his daughter, lame.

He did completely ruin Kick-Ass for me.

Not like Namor, who is a dick.

Mister Fantastic should send Namor to the Negative Zone for trying to bang his wife—like all the time. Twenty bucks in Second Coming #2 Namor makes a pass at her.

Best "redeemed" villain has to be Magneto—you never know what the guy is going to do next. Sometime he is a good guy and leads the X-Men, then he steals nuclear weapons from a submarine (X-Men vol. 2, #1) and later rips Wolverine's adamantium skeleton out (X-Men vol. 2, #25). Then he is depowered, becomes a better

And then wrapped in his cloak, and thrown into the Sun to never come back ever again for one year.

Can I accidently turn on the overhead projector while I am standing in front of it and wittily say "Ouch, I just got 'Enlightented'"?

OK, Michael is stuck on the Island—I think they established it. I wonder how Desmond got off the Island.

Brubaker's Iron Fist and Marvels Project were pretty great. Brubaker's work and Fraction's work on Uncanny X-Men, not so great. Its basically about all the mutants holding hands, singing koombaya, and Dazzler singing while Pixie sprays her dust on the crowd…. and yes I am being super serial right now….I think it

And the book I look forward the most to each month is Secret Warriors, which is Nick Fury's own little secret superhero in training book, mostly because I have no idea what is going on.

Brubaker's Captain America Omnibus, Morrison's New X-Men, Whedon's Astonishing X-Men, Matt Fraction's Invincible Iron Man Omnibus (I think just came out), and Geoff John's Green Lantern Rebirth through Blackest Night. Those are all good starts in my opinion. I recently got back into superhero comics, and I started

I doubt ABC which is owned by Disney will be worried about suing themselves. Why don't they make it real and incorporate it into the Marvel Uni.

Just teasing Pierce—now an honest question, Y: The Last Man or the Walking Dead for a Summer 2010 reading project? Inevitably both—but I am on a budget.

I have a feeling that Pierce wrote this review—which on his scale of "I hate almost everything written by Millar" it acutally averages out to a B- in comparison to everything else. Or is it already on the "I hate almost everything written by Millar" scale?

I read the first Avengers essential. . . it was terrible. I was glad when Iron Man left the team—I never want to see the words "transistor" and "powered" next to each other again. It seems like it was in every panel with Iron Man.

I agree with Finally Mad Enough To Post—you can't start off with the Watchmen. I recently got back into comics after a 14 years hiatus (right before all the Onslaught stuff happened). I started off with Whedon's Astonishing X-Men trades—cohesive story and then you want to read Morrison's run on New X-Men. . . then

Jon Hamm is Mister Fantastic—it would be perfect casting for a FF reboot.


Yeah, it does relate to the Void ripping him in half, but Thor could easily beat the crap out of Ares, especially on Thursday.