
Sweet Sweetba…etc.
I'm pretty sure that Sweet Sweetback's Badaass Song wasn't submitted to the MPAA, and the "Rated X by an all white jury" was just a marketing gimmick. That's what I learned in my school at least. Either way, that opening scene with baby Mario Van Peebles fucking that girl makes people hella

This is the most I've sort of agreed with Mr. T in a long time. Mr. T > Bradley Cooper!

Holy Shit!
I have that phone! Should I not? I guess it has to go.

There was even a gratuitous cock shot in the shower scene, no lie. I was thinking that they were just having some subversive fun throwing in random nudity since this ended up straight to DVD, but then there was that really awful sex scene with Simon and his wife. Then I just figured Ed James Olmos was kind of a lech.

Session 9
It was pretty legitimately disturbing because, as Leonard Pierce noted in his entry, it's about a seemingly normal person coming undone. In this case, you're gradually watching the process without even knowing what's happening until the very end.

A Tale of Two Sisters did have that one scene early on where she wakes up in the morning sunlight and there's a seeming sense of security, broken by one of those swaying, slow moving Asian ghosts on her floor, intensely staring.

I had the same reading as Breakfast Balls, that we should be genuinely creeped out that God is ordering a single father and his children to murder folk with axes. Though I get the feeling that wasn't exactly the intended effect.

Yeah, Strange Days holds a special place in my heart. Angela Bassett as an action hero, Michael Wincott playing sleazy, even Juliette Lewis was sort of tolerable.