Crewman Number 6

AND he covers experimental treatments! Bonus.

This was fantastic, thanks.

Used to drive a Forester. My license plate holder said, "another dyke and a dog in a Subaru." It really is a thing.

This (mostly) lurker says, yep. This is unreadable.

Well, at least not by your fellow citizens. The far-right governments might take a few out.

lol, the 53/60 thing made me smile when I saw her age in a headline—she managed to keep that going til the end.


That there upvote x3.

better times…though listening to him talk about how America has shown their quality and promise, makes this election feel even worse.

Well, in my world that makes a quorum; we're on our way!

I really appreciate this analysis of body language, it's interesting and adds subtlety to Bloom's acting.

Rebecca's boundaries are diffuse and flexible. Her sexual responses to people are generally based on the moment and how that other person serves her current personal narrative. But I don't think there's anything to indicate that she's romantically interested in anyone other than men.

Fair enough! I'll take the hit on the numbers.

I'm sorry about your job. I truly am. And if it seems as if I'm unsympathetic to those who are suffering, I am not. But do you believe Trump is going to bring those jobs back? He can't. He can't! Even if he desperately, desperately wants to (which I don't believe he does, since he's outsourced almost all his own labor

By what definition of fascism? You might want to look that up.

CNN and others freely admitted they put Trump on as much as they possibly could because he was good for ratings. CNN's head has been out there now saying, "er, maybe that wasn't such a great idea." Gee, ya think?

I'm well aware of what grooming is. I don't spend a lot of time with police procedurals or true crime, so perhaps I'm not as likely to think "molester" in this situation, especially since there was nothing to suggest, in Ford's presentation or the way the scene was filmed and scored, that something nefarious was

Wow, hard to imagine why your mind went immediately to grooming a child for molestation when he invites a kid to walk with him. That's a dark world view.

It's an outstanding review. Couldn't relate to his reaction at all, but he did deliver it beautifully.

*weeping quietly*