
I'm a college graduate who's a programmer and started working right after I graduated, my girlfriend is in school right now studying electrical engineering. We watched this together and pretty much agreed these characters are the worst. Reviva especially. Sofia is the only one I can really empathize towards. Miles is

Not that I remember while growing up in Saudi Arabia. If US news is reporting about it, it means it's especially bad right now.

Not that I remember while growing up in Saudi Arabia. If US news is reporting about it, it means it's especially bad right now.

No mention of how timely Homeland turned out to be with the protests outside the consulate? I realize they're for very different reasons but the Homeland talking about it at the same time real protests are going on is a pretty crazy coincidence. Unless Alex Gansa can see the future ….

No mention of how timely Homeland turned out to be with the protests outside the consulate? I realize they're for very different reasons but the Homeland talking about it at the same time real protests are going on is a pretty crazy coincidence. Unless Alex Gansa can see the future ….

Did anyone else find it hilarious when abs guy told Rachel, "Hands off, we're just friends". Then the exact next second they're making out getting ready to have sex.

Did anyone else find it hilarious when abs guy told Rachel, "Hands off, we're just friends". Then the exact next second they're making out getting ready to have sex.

Ashley Rickards as a blonde really threw me off. Every other person looks pretty much like their character did, except her. I had to turn it off it weirded me out so much.

Ashley Rickards as a blonde really threw me off. Every other person looks pretty much like their character did, except her. I had to turn it off it weirded me out so much.

The same thing happens to me, except with Marley. Every time I see her I think, I saw her naked and as a party girl in Homeland.

The same thing happens to me, except with Marley. Every time I see her I think, I saw her naked and as a party girl in Homeland.

I was thinking the same thing the whole time they were on that bridge.

Did it bother anyone else Hank all of a sudden being judgmental about the director dude wanting to pee on his hooker? I get Hank trying to be honorable about making sure the hooker was alright, but she didn't seem to mind getting peed on. Hank all of a sudden calling the guy disgusting for trying to engage in a

was it luxury desert or luxury dessert?

I was wondering about this in the shower this morning. What exactly is Karen's appeal? I mean she just kinda sits around and never really does much other than call Hank an asshole. The only real character development I remember about her was something about being into architecture. She just seems really

Finally someone else drawing a curb your enthusiasm parallel. I think Californication is like bizzaro LA to Larry Davids. in Curb Larry get's berated and humiliated for being an asshole, in Californication Hank Moody gets sex and adoration for being an asshole. It's kinda fun to compare the two different visions of LA.