Fred Garvin Male Prostitute

Really? You guys can listen to Maroon or Gordon and not think, "Hey, this is pretty fun to listen to"? Why all the hate?

Hey! Michael J Fox era "Spin City" was good. Not the greatest thing ever but it had enough laughs to go around and was built to watch reruns at 1:00 on FX

eh, it's a little too long in my taste. Still incredibly funny, but there's a slight drag

I was pretty amused when he was eaten by a polar bear on SNL

hate doing this
But you messed up one of my favorite west wing quotes of all time in the article. It really goes like this:
Josh: Leo, the-the Democrats aren't gonna nominate another liberal, academic former governor from New England. I mean, we're dumb, but we're not that dumb.
Leo: Nah-I think we're exactly that