Xenu Diode

Imagine what it would be like if the huge square or aviator frames came back into style.  People with glasses would need some sort of full face mask to watch a 3D film.

Imagine what it would be like if the huge square or aviator frames came back into style.  People with glasses would need some sort of full face mask to watch a 3D film.

I would assume that all those people are (or Tom is supposed to think that the are)  leaders of other groups who have also refused to lead their people to "the New Jerusalem" (what kind of creepy Bible-reading aliens are these?) and that they are being dumped and killed far away from their groups for being useless (if

I would assume that all those people are (or Tom is supposed to think that the are)  leaders of other groups who have also refused to lead their people to "the New Jerusalem" (what kind of creepy Bible-reading aliens are these?) and that they are being dumped and killed far away from their groups for being useless (if

The trailer for Titanic showed Rose and Jack on the stern when the ship broke in half.  When you see the movie in the theater and Jack is handcuffed to the pipe in the room filling with water (and all the rest of the scenes where they are trying to escape the water below decks), you know nothing's going to happen to

The trailer for Titanic showed Rose and Jack on the stern when the ship broke in half.  When you see the movie in the theater and Jack is handcuffed to the pipe in the room filling with water (and all the rest of the scenes where they are trying to escape the water below decks), you know nothing's going to happen to

I just couldn't buy into the lich's motivation.  He's been alive for thousands, he's wealthy and powerful, and yet he's never experienced a succubus killing a human. 
How many people have we seen killed by succubi in two years time here?  And we don't even have to pay for it or commit a crime.

I just couldn't buy into the lich's motivation.  He's been alive for thousands, he's wealthy and powerful, and yet he's never experienced a succubus killing a human. 
How many people have we seen killed by succubi in two years time here?  And we don't even have to pay for it or commit a crime.

A scene in Chinatown and the alien has to look like a cross between a Gremlin and a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle!  Now that's racist!  or predictable or not very creative or something like that!

A scene in Chinatown and the alien has to look like a cross between a Gremlin and a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle!  Now that's racist!  or predictable or not very creative or something like that!

Notice that all your examples are of L's in initial position not medial or final.  Initial L's are much easier to pronounce.

Notice that all your examples are of L's in initial position not medial or final.  Initial L's are much easier to pronounce.

So the guy who thinks she might need "maternity underwear" immediately is the guy you trust with pregnancy tests?  Good to know.

So the guy who thinks she might need "maternity underwear" immediately is the guy you trust with pregnancy tests?  Good to know.

That's just Bleep Myles Says.

That's just Bleep Myles Says.

The only thing Canadian about "Flashpoint" is hilariously ginormous red stripes on the uniforms of the ordinary police officers.

The only thing Canadian about "Flashpoint" is hilariously ginormous red stripes on the uniforms of the ordinary police officers.

They showed the parade clip again in the results show.  I didn't see the gun but he had some something large on the other side.  Maybe it was just a taser. :)

Did anyone else notice Stephen Tyler trying to sound profound by quoting "Happy Talk" from "South Pacific"?
You gotta have a dream, if you don't have a dream, how you gonna have a dream come true?