
Kind of *sounds* like Cibo Matto.

I'm going to say the meanest thing I can: unlike you, Pitchfork got this right.

Future Sofia Coppola soundtrack?

I'm with you on St. V/incent, but have never had any cred of any kind, really, so it's cold comfort, I imagine.

I'm looking at the album on eMusic and iTunes, and not seeing a track with the same title as the album. Am I missing something?

I'd like to see an AV Club statistic on what percent of reviews get a comment that says "This is my favorite of the year so far."

I think Full Frontal gets too little credit on several counts.

Before Anthony wrote fantasy, he wrote smut, and he never really got it out of his system, I think. (I don't mean to imply that writing smut was what made him dirty, just that it was habit-forming.)

RVM, there were a couple in Predator, I believe, during the helicopter flight early in the film. But still, they failed to start a trend. I think it's probably for the same reason that there's a lot less frontal male nudity than female in movies.

I know what you mean. I'm a long-time McSweeney's fan, and I loved Might, his earlier magazine venture, but I've just never been able to bring myself to read any of his books, no matter how many respected friends insisted that my life was less complete for it.

I don't know which Flaming Lips album is *better*
But I prefer Bulletin and Yoshimi to Mystics. I also prefer Clouds Taste Metallic and Transmission from the Satellite Heart to Mystics. It just wasn't for me, that's all.

"Get lost in their" or "gets lost in its": pick one.

Dear god.
I believe this fellow opened when we went to see Swell Season, the (now defunct) Glen Hansard-Marketa Irglova project. He was so incredibly dire, the only hearty applause he got was for leaving the stage. A couple of powerful crescendos, but what unbroken miserabilia! Shudder.

Anyone else
reminded of Voxtrot a little?

FWIW, put me in the tearful and hyped column.

Faux—yeah, I know "great googly moogly" from Howlin' Wolf's "Goin' Down Slow," though I don't know how that compares to the age of the Screamin' Jay.

Amen, plumcot. The split infinitive rule is a relic of the people who thought that, because Latin was one ancestor of English, English should be squeezed into Latin's bottle.

Dully noted.

So Iggy (or the Stooges?)
chose Peaches to do "Search and Destroy"? That seems like a less than totally predictable choice.

Sorry, Noel.
The hat thing doesn't do it for me.