Insignificant Other

Just what we need. Another movie that sucks.

Move along, folks. Nothing to see here.

And glitchy. Don't forget the glitches.

A "livid" fart.

OK, I watched it and it wasn't all bad. I give it 4 bags of popcorn.

I was going to skip watching because I hate watching streaming content and all the buffering issues. But now I have to watch just to see if it's as bad as people like you are saying.


Six seasons and a youtube movie!!

For some of us it's like helplessly watching a close friend bleed to death and there's not a goddam thing you can do about it.

I just scrolled down to the 30 Rock stuff and skipped all the other roles. Who has time for all that?

Give the guy a break. He's good at it and people love seeing him do it. Money probably isn't even a factor at this point as much as he just wants to keep working.

What the what??

Good night, David.

Photon torpedoes sure didn't work. Maybe ever-increasing doses of gamma rays. Oh wait, that would turn her into the Hulk.

Matt Lauer is God! He can say whatever he wants.

I watch NBC News every night, but usually tune out after the hard news segment and before the medical news for old people.

Shatner, baby!

Ding, ding , ding. We have a winner.

Didn't someone in this movie say, "He's coming hard on my ass?" Because if not, they should have.

I hope he doesn't eat that dog.