
Am I crazy? Maybe, but…I thought Chromeo's latest was fabulous. They really brought it. And I have yet to see it on ANYONE'S list.

I'm not going to point fingers here…I like more than a couple of bullets on this list. But why was this year filled with numbingly boring music? Am I getting old?!

What the hell?
I was AT the conference this study was revealed at at APA in DC just this last week! It was one of dozens of events I attended, and just a single study within three or four showcased that HOUR.

What the hell?
A lead single that sounds like a beer commercial, a song literally about how critics suck cause they don't like them anymore, a ditty about how Rivers is pissed off that smart girls exist, and an attempt at being cute by singing a response song to "Tired of Sex", and you guys gave this a B-????????

I'm not sure I've ever seen an AV Club article…
…where all pages of comments were completely off the topic of the subject.

I bought both her first two albums on day one. Now that she's blown up big, my background in social justice and women studies are dictating exactly what precedent has dictated it would.

"Space Oddity" has a melody.

If we are down to worrying about Radiohead, we are a joyless, incorrigible group of people.

Okay, fine…let me caboose this giant thread with this inconvenient opinion:

Immitation is…
…the sincerest form to get a quick paycheck.

Purple Rain
I saw OKGO open up for They Might Be Giants (really) many a year ago in St.Louis and talked to them at the merch table after the show. I had no idea they were going to become treadmill gods.