
You know you've had a pretty crazy week when you've gone from Evil Dead to Jonathan Franzen.

You know what? I agree. This shall be amended.

Smart-O-Meter! It's like Talking Dead, but not retarded and compressed into about sixty seconds worth of reading.

As a fan of MBV, I came into listening to this new record with exceedingly low expectations. I mean, how the fuck do you follow-up a classic, seminal album 21 years later and expect it to be any good? Well fuck me, cause this album just floored the shit out of me. Maybe I'm just so giddy from the fact that this album

I too shall attempt this. This was way more difficult than I suspected it would be. So many episodes (and seasons) are just fucking amazing.

Even with the lack of Tracy, they provided two of my favorite episodes of the season (Doubled-Edged Sword, It's Never Too Late For Now). Point being, Baldwin has it ass backwards. Season 5 was a stellar season of television and a comeback from the inconsistency of Season 4 (and parts of 3.) Season 6, on the other

I don't care that the theme from Django Unchained (which was fucking amazing) is from the original Django, it should be nominated over Seth "I-made-a-movie-this year-with-dick-jokes-and it-grossed-five-hundred-million-dollars" MacFarlane. I've literally had that tune stuck in my head for days and it was the perfect

My mom still refers to this show as Downtown Abbey. Her other favorite show is The Big Bang Theory, despite being a devout Christian.

Forget all these theories for a minute. Todd, thanks for covering The Sopranos. These reviews have been outstanding and it made my re-watch of the show all the more enjoyable.

Forget all these theories for a minute. Todd, thanks for covering The Sopranos. These reviews have been outstanding and it made my re-watch of the show all the more enjoyable.

Somewhere, a hipster is crying tears made of soy milk.

Somewhere, a hipster is crying tears made of soy milk.

Smart-O-Meter! Back with a vengeance. I had a few drinks. Might affect grading.

Smart-O-Meter! Back with a vengeance. I had a few drinks. Might affect grading.

His first act as president will be replacing Wolf Blitzer with Jay Leno. ZING!

His first act as president will be replacing Wolf Blitzer with Jay Leno. ZING!

My friend recently gave me some Grateful Dead shows (most of them from Europe '72) and I actually like them a lot. It certainly hasn't turned me into a giant Deadhead, but they are pretty fucking great. I took a drive upstate the other day and just listened to a concert, and it flowed incredibly well. It sounds like

My friend recently gave me some Grateful Dead shows (most of them from Europe '72) and I actually like them a lot. It certainly hasn't turned me into a giant Deadhead, but they are pretty fucking great. I took a drive upstate the other day and just listened to a concert, and it flowed incredibly well. It sounds like

I must second that these reviews are excellent and incredibly well written. Thanks, Todd!

I must second that these reviews are excellent and incredibly well written. Thanks, Todd!