
Well, it took until the sixth season of 24 for the show to really dip in quality. And even though the producers are the same, this is a very different show that doesn't require them to write around a gimmick every season. I have hope this show will continue to be amazing.

Well, it took until the sixth season of 24 for the show to really dip in quality. And even though the producers are the same, this is a very different show that doesn't require them to write around a gimmick every season. I have hope this show will continue to be amazing.

Astoria is where it's at. Excellent food, affordable rent, 30 minutes from midtown. It really is the best.

Astoria is where it's at. Excellent food, affordable rent, 30 minutes from midtown. It really is the best.

It's the blurst of times for this monkey.

It's the blurst of times for this monkey.

Anyone have a .gif of a bouncing Sofia Vergara riding on a horse?

Anyone have a .gif of a bouncing Sofia Vergara riding on a horse?

All you need to know is that today I had popcorn and Cookie Dough Bites for dinner, watched TDKR, went home, and watched Breaking Bad. I'm about to go to bed with a giant, nerdy smile on my face.

All you need to know is that today I had popcorn and Cookie Dough Bites for dinner, watched TDKR, went home, and watched Breaking Bad. I'm about to go to bed with a giant, nerdy smile on my face.

Your seafood is delicious. So delicious.

Your seafood is delicious. So delicious.

Unfortunately it's being released the same day as Dave Matthews Band's new album, to which white douchebags at private colleges will rejoice. "Dave Matthews is great," one of them once said to me without any sarcasm. "Him and Bob Dylan are my two favorite artists."

Unfortunately it's being released the same day as Dave Matthews Band's new album, to which white douchebags at private colleges will rejoice. "Dave Matthews is great," one of them once said to me without any sarcasm. "Him and Bob Dylan are my two favorite artists."



I've never seen Talk Show Host live, but I did get to see Subterranean Homesick Alien, a song Radiohead plays once every ten thousand years. Such a beautiful song.

I've never seen Talk Show Host live, but I did get to see Subterranean Homesick Alien, a song Radiohead plays once every ten thousand years. Such a beautiful song.

I agree 100% with this post and I fucking hate Daniel Tosh. He has the right to say whatever he wants. The fact that this woman feels justified to interrupt his performance - however juvenile or stupid it may be - is unwarranted.

I agree 100% with this post and I fucking hate Daniel Tosh. He has the right to say whatever he wants. The fact that this woman feels justified to interrupt his performance - however juvenile or stupid it may be - is unwarranted.