
The Camp review was a huge LOL. I'm a regular Pitchfork reader, but I can't defend that shit at all. I didn't dig the album, but Pitchfork didn't need to craft an elitist review just to stand its ground as being the king of snobby music websites.


Ludachristmas contains one of my favorite jokes ever aired on network television: "It wouldn't be a lemon party without old dick!"

"Lotus Flower" by Radiohead got nominated for 'Best Rock Performance'. Good call, Grammys. The guitar on that song is killer.

I hate all the Shreks.

You're doing God's work, VanDerWerff.

Apocalypse Now Redux

Is this just fantasy?

I think it's time we blow this scene.

He must be really excited to be playing the exact same character from Two and a Half Men for a lot less money.

Bono needs to win a real award for weighing eighty courics.

I like all the zombies that what's-his-name killed.

A thousand monkeys working at a thousand typewriters could write a better sitcom than this one.

Kid A
OK Computer
The Bends
In Rainbows
Hail to the Thief
The King of Limbs
Pablo Honey

Personal Highlights and Observations:
—The festival setup was well done. Convention Hall and the Paramount Theater are within a minute of each other, as is Asbury Lanes. The festival wasn't overcrowded so it made standing comfortable, and in both venues you had the option to sit, which is cool because by Sunday I was

My friend and I got tickets to see his Comedy Central taping and he killed it. Anyone who hasn't seen him should do so immediately.

I like how the last shot lingers a couple seconds longer than it should, like the nightmare Walter White is enduring will never end.

I happen to live in New York City, idiotking, and would love to join you and your cock on such a very special episode of Colbert Report. I could repay you with an extra ticket to Roseland Ballroom perhaps?

I yelled as well. The last time I yelled at a TV screen, I was yelling at Hank in One Minute. The time before that, I yelled at Walt in Phoenix (when he lets Jane die.) Either I'm turning into an angry black woman who yells things at characters on-screen or Breaking Bad is incredibly intense.

Last three episode titles (POSSIBLE MINOR SPOILERS) :
4x11 - Crawl Space / 4x12 - End Times / 4x13 - Face Off