Scott Agro

It may have already made its budget back on the promotions alone.

Wow. I had no idea. That's awful.

Can you explain what the "Kickstarter thing" is?

Hmm, I can't recall. I may have to rewatch. Was there something specific she said that made you feel that way?

"Meowy Christmas."



"Had the Coens wanted the song to be both stupid andunlistenable, they wouldn’t have put T-Bone Burnett on the job."

Thanks so much!

Does anyone know the actress who plays the HR woman? Every time I see her I'm like JUDY GREER! for a second, but it doesn't list her as a cast member. Anyway, I like that character's defeated professionalism.

People's gut reaction to Shannon would be to say it's surprising that she can play "sad" so well, but when you consider her characters on SNL, it really shouldn't be. Under their humor, many of them had roots in insecurity, delusion, or melancholy.


I had a science teacher who would incessantly play the Very Special Christmas sequel with the Pumpkins and Chris Cornell during exams. Even when it wasn't the holiday season. There's nothing else to this anecdote. I just want to say god bless him.

"…my hair…"

Sometimes I doubt your lack of commitment to The Pixies.

We've learned earlier, however, that Dawn is not in the greatest financial shape. It's reasonable she could have other debts besides her ex-fiance's Mercedes loan. Especially since they're having to garnish her checks.

I feel like this is the perfect sketch to showcase whatever it is about Tim Meadows that I think is so funny. I also like some of the laziness with the premise where they're just throwing lines in there like him making out with his boss and the product being available "everywhere in the entire world."


My all-time favorite Meadows sketch is Shirt-In-A-Can, which distressingly I can find nowhere on the internet. I suppose it might be behind the Hulu paywall, but that doesn't count. Anyway, it contains some of the most well-delivered "dammits" south of a Bob Odenkirk sketch.

I got really excited for a moment when I misread the song title and thought "at least this means Ryan Adams is getting some residuals."