Scott Agro

Holy shit. O_O

Ha ha. Oh man. You sound horrible.

This post is truly taking Gimmick Adam Sandler into the next stage of his art.

She's history's greatest monster!

That's a great moment but I was fairly disappointed that link didn't lead to this:

Louis C.K.'s cop-speak in this clip rules:

It's good to hear that. I've been pulling for this show, but I'm always more interested when I find out a show is trying something new.

If that were the case most of the movie would take place in New Jersey.


If "drunk the Kool-Aid" means "enjoyed Bill Callahan" then call me a Jonestown corpse.

@avclub-979173d983868ebd65ee530ee8177413:disqus I'm hoping Breaking Bad ends with Walt Jr. driving against a similar montage of all the characters fates except all the death dates are "20-whatever-year-it's-supposed-to-be-on-the-show-now."

No, @avclub-1bfb50f8428a734a72e2ace7d8b3166e:disqus ! Fring dead!

Is this gimmick account a joke about how one-dimensional and uncreative gimmick accounts usually are if not why not?

"No, not you. I'm just talking to my oven."

The disbelief in his delivery of "VERA said that!?" is so perfect.

The best cracker factory bit is when Milhouse tours it in "Bart On The Road."

God, that dinner scene where they're all just quietly watching Homer sculpt a big top out of mashed potatoes, "Close Encounters"-style is hilarious. The look of concentration on Homer's face.

"Yes. I WANTED to do that."

Dick Richards, apparently?