Scott Agro

"A bloo bloo bloo. I'm NerdInTheBasement and I'm smothered by my own nostalgia. Why can't all cartoons literally be the cartoons I grew up with? A BLOO BLOO A-BLOO!"

I'm a fan of this show alone for Lord Hater's pencil-trick on his ship controls.

Is the movie "Sneakers"?!

No one who can elaborate on the technical inconsistencies of where the bathroom on the Millennium Falcon is will be using one of those any time soon.


"The Kessel Run was one of the most heavily used smuggling routes in theGalactic Empire.[3] Han Solo claimed that his Millennium Falcon "made the Kessel Run in less than twelveparsecs". A parsec is a unit of distance, not time. Solo was not referring directly to his ship's speed when he made this claim. Instead, he

From probably my favorite Walkmen record. I KNOW THAT'S NOT A POPULAR OPINION. But I just love it. It's so…by itself.

There's an accompanying Onion headline for every AV Club headline:

I laughed so hard at Adam Scott's "pointing" at Merchant.

Yeah a little.

I know the AV Club loves to ride Kyle Kinane's dick and for good reason, he's incredibly funny, but I wish you had talked a little more (or at all?) about the highlight segment of that episode: Al Capone, and the comedian behind it: Tommy Blacha. I haven't laughed that hard in years.

@avclub-b53150691dfb8efce003bf3faaa38626:disqus WELCOME TO NIGHT VALE CROSSOVER.

I desperately want Tompkins as a slick, more-respected rival lawyer.

"I'm sorry, I thought you was corn."

If they were literally going head to head, no, no it wouldn't be. I don't care how good Ant-Man turns out (probably very) or how mediocre Batman Vs. Superman turns out (probably very), there is no way in hell Average Joe would give two shits about the former over the latter if they were both opening on the same day.

Ayo shut up tho

Neko Case is, to quote Mike O'Brien's comment on Patricia Clarkson in her episode of "7 Minutes In Heaven", "All Woman."

Bonus points to that one because he actually admits he wishes someone were around to hear it.

Whenever I'd watch that scene as a kid I'd wonder why Artie was even still hanging around if he'd managed to get ahold of that helicopter.

The mass collar-tugging makes me laugh every time.