"Because you have impeded science, you must now *aid* science. Yes."
"Because you have impeded science, you must now *aid* science. Yes."
Whenever Chalky's not on screen, everyone should be asking "Where's Chalky?"
…but Breaking Bad has a pizza on the roof.
…has a box cutter in the throat.
…has a ricin capsule in the outlet.
…has a bullet in the Gale.
…a handjob in the hospital bed?
I'm a "watching Breaking Bad live, Boardwalk Empire an hour later on HBOGo" kind of guy. But wait! This means I'll miss Low Winter-ahahahaha I can't even finish that.
Tell us more.
Bedtime for Bozo?
*Slinks down in chair, slides out of desk and out door*
"This thread is for the Mr. Show fans to show that we care, and this thread is for the Mad TV fans… :|"
Always the sketch I show someone who's new to the series. Either that or Thrill World.
Where'd they print that? You can't…oh, you can print that.
With Cox to get any channels past like 99 on some TVs (like the piece of shit I have in my bedroom) you need a cable box, and since I'm not buying an additional cable box this means if I want to watch something on FXX live I'll have to do it in the living room. Which is an outrage. FX is like channel 32 here. WHY…
The silence in the crowd during that bit about his wife reading the comments section on a gossip blog piece about her was incredible.
Penguins can't fly! PENGUINS CAN'T FLYYY!
The man is a truly gifted storyteller:
Because when guys profess lustful thoughts about hot celebrity women the expectation of the men is that these ladies will jump their bones immediately.
Congratulations on the new job, Homer.