I'd bet my right toe that Jake Fogelnest is @PrinceTweets2U:twitter . In fact, he may not be keeping it that huge of a secret and I look like a real horse's patoot right now.
I'd bet my right toe that Jake Fogelnest is @PrinceTweets2U:twitter . In fact, he may not be keeping it that huge of a secret and I look like a real horse's patoot right now.
"Aw-riiiight!" [pumps hat triumphantly]
I desperately need to see that action montage set to "Hooked On A Feeling."
I'd go with the Freakazoid parody in the Candlejack episode:
I just really like making references to that stupid fucking TV show.
It reminded me strongly of the scene in CoM where they stop at the abandoned elementary school to wait for Syd. This place where a certain type of life and energy has been replaced with another. Only instead of encroaching vegetation and deer it's skateboarding kids. You get the impression in both scenes that the…
Has no one mentioned Professor Frink's change into Stefan Urkelle? I just had beer spurt out my nose watching that again.
Laugh all you want, but the wait for that door to open was seriously tense!
My heart was in my throat the entire time during that opening. Not because I thought anything was going to happen, but just from the nearly unbearable sadness and loss it conveyed. I'm looking at that set and there are so many genuinely HAPPY memories I have from it (I know calling them MY memories is a queer way to…
Not to mention if they billed them as seasons 5 and 6 they could sell TWO DVDs instead of just one.
I haven't seen Talking Bad but if it's got Chris Hardwick in it here's my review:
"Video must be EXACTLY 12 minutes."
Huh. I was just watching that episode last night with my dad (who's watching the series for the first time) hadn't considered the "disapproving parents" angle until now. I mean, I think it's implied in their conversation that Gretchen came from money BEFORE Grey Matter took off, so maybe Elliot did too and her family…
Jesus. Didn't that guy ever have hair?
[Cate Blanchett flies kite happily back and forth across line]
On top of that, he's WHITE!
If I'm not mistaken, there's not a single black writer adding their insight to this article, right?