Scott Agro

Personally I'm a fan of Too Much Johnson's sequel:

I'm laughing at the idea of it literally being a ratty wig he keeps in a wicker basket at the foot of his bed to bring out occasionally for movies.

The audio book for The Road has a very good narrator. I'd read the book myself before listening to it on a long trip out west with my uncle (heck, most McCarthy books are good for that) and I was surprised by how much someone's pacing and stress of certain words and phrases could reveal ideas about the story I hadn't

"No longer content to have merely our own videos obnoxiously autoplay, the AV Club, sponsored by Viacom, has set out to ensure your every click on our site be met with unreasonable cacophony and a furious scrambling to locate the pause button. This…is Pop Up Pilgrims."

The editing in that scene where Walt buys them each a new car is hilarious.

If anything, THAT'S what Dowd should be taking issue with.

That link doesn't have the part with Conan being incredulous about the dog and it's the funniest thing in the world to me:

I love the character of Jesse and I'm eternally grateful he was spared the axe, but am I missing something re: how there would not have been a Gale without him?

I find the history of slavery in America fascinating and can become entangled in the murkiest of courtroom dramas so of course I really liked Amistad.

I read the book about once a year. Eerie, suspenseful, and mature while still being inviting to younger readers. I love it. I really should try and read Shardik already.

The guy on the left is clearly the most comfortable in a suit.

Dear god, I love that episode. Am I crazy, or would it on its own make kind of an amazing play?

@avclub-c871d4ba38c83e9b1642f02872f7ef2f:disqus I love how he calls Marge "my friend."

The old-timey bicycle guy is obviously the frequently-appearing "Wiseguy" voiced by Hank Azaria. I think he seems like a guy who'd like the old-timey bikes, and everyone needs a hobby.

I think that's in my top 3, easily. Maybe my all-time favorite.

Enough of this shit.

Yeah, man.

If someone in this article said something other than Gravity, and they aren't Mike D'Angelo, they're fooling themselves.

That being said, there's plenty of people, including me, who enjoy watching a sport being played "The Way It's Meant To Be Played." It's interesting. More interesting at this point in my life than the flash and theatrics of men's basketball, which I've seen more than enough of.

"Big Exit."