OH and:
OH and:
Has no one mentioned the amazing fireworks gag yet? God, I loved that.
Then why didn't he get to serve his term in office!? Oh, yes. All that stuff he did.
I love Clinton, but the day that I don't laugh at "Hey, I'm a pretty lousy president" is a day I'll be dead in the cold, cold ground. Also the day I recognize Missourah.
[Donald Sutherland turns to glare at AnotherCookieMonster, mouth agape, finger pointing in accusation]
Whoa. Imagine the fanboy outcry if a black woman had been cast as April O'Neil.
Way down this thread where no one's probably going to read it, but re: The Long Walk as a movie:
Santa's Little Helper and Snowball exchanging those worried looks is amazing.
"This is the first episode where we see the kids’ faces straight on (when Marge explains she already picked their vacation destination that year). Neat? They look so weird to me."
Well I guess we all got our names on here for a reason.
"Nannncy…" [smears bloody hand down from inside body bag]
Jack Frost has my all-time favorite riff:
What's cool about this account is it really seems to have the corny-ass, rockist Baby Boomer opinions Jack Torrance would have about music.
Hell, the RESPONSIBILITY to responsibly change one's mind.
Hill comes out pretty great in that article. I'm surprised he showed the patience he did with the interviewer.
@avclub-33410819536ec64f62d77277c4af5c66:disqus I don't know how many times you've watched it, but watch it again sometime. It really grew on me.
I was just thinking of instances of Lisa crawling outside of her "star pupil/good girl" scenario.
In fairness to Allison, even with the game rigged in her favor, that is still a dynamite anagram.