Scott Agro

Boy, I hope the original writer got fired for THAT blunder.

And I can't see the Adam West-y beekeeper being un-zen enough to tell the other beekeeper to knock it off!

Hello, my all-time favorite Moleman line.

A great Lisa "Capital-S" Simpson moment is when she seethes "That'll learn him to bust my tomater."

I'm not quite sure what it is, but I love the confidence in that final "Yes." I feel like a lesser show would have had the actor deliver it dejectedly. Someone saw the value in that guy maintaining his certitude.

Hey, you spend a few years with a reality-altering abomination and tell me you won't be nostalgic for a little "Say You'll Be There" by the Spice Girls or Snow's "Informer."

Seriously. I always thought "It's A Good Life" was meant to be about the horror of existing under the whims of such a monstrous being, not about the monstrous being, itself.

"No Quarter" ?

Finally a Hated Song I can really put my weight behind. "What's Up?" is just pure, undefendable, grating, wall-to-wall garbage.

Second-place for best peripheral character: Gordon Crisp.

This has to be one of the strongest second episodes of any show in TV history. It has it all:

Underwhell, this is where you can get off.

Don't you remember the Mighty Emetamorphin' Power Rangers?

Come on, that's just the plot of Jacob's Ladder / An Occurence At Owl Creek Bridge!

Also "Jamaican" as a race.

The pan to Stanley wearing the "BLACK" card on his head is one of the funniest reveals in TV history.

No! I will not tell you to do that because I also did that and I also have some VERY IMPORTANT tapes with music videos from MTV-2 and MuchMusic to remind myself not to lose.

I just traveled back in time to 1995 tell the STP-superfan me about this and he said "Who gives a shit? Don't you have some studying to do?" before boxing my ears. :(

If Google is insinuating that I will be PAYING for my porn, they are sorely mistaken.

No. When you're enrolled in an x-ray program you have "clinical" days. These are days outside of class you spend with professional techs at an outpatient imaging clinic or in the radiology department of a hospital, gaining experience.