Scott Agro

Bless you all for making it!


This is my favorite Hank exchange:


She probably shouldn't Google herself for the remainder of her life because something about this is guaranteed to be in the top 10 search results for that long.

There ain't nothing racist about calling out rich white girl privilege. Be wary of misogyny, but otherwise go to hog-heaven with it.

I think we're officially just going to start bumping up Dowd's grades by a letter or so?

I've only listened up to episode 3, but that one in particular is a work of art. The podcast is the absolute perfect thing to listen to in the sleepless early hours.

The one on "Millennials" is great because the moments you knee-jerk identify with Urbaniak are tempered with Alison Agosti's patience and tolerance of him.

4. The pilot for "Maria, Me and a Monster":

That's TED LEVINE, motherfucker!

BOTTLE EPISODE! (Literally.)

You know I think this is the first time I realized she isn't named the same as in the book. Was it an attempt not to confuse viewers with two strong women characters with four-letter A-names? Because that kind of confusion would be the least of a casual viewer's problem.

Hey! That's a "Jimmy Carter" burger at a restaurant here in Georgia! They put that on it plus bacon and yes they put way too much peanut butter in it and it was disgusting

See, I feel like that's my problem with this remake. It seems like it tries to have its cake and eat it too with that ending, and yet it doesn't even give us a clear understanding of what happens to Ethel and the others. Or even earth. Does he wish it ALL away, and start with a NEW world?

Does Important Science Need Eager Youths?

By "Canadian production values" I'm imagining they mean the monster show looked like Corner Gas, and picturing that in my head, yes I AM laughing.

"Why do you think I took you to see all those 'Police Academy' movies, FOR FUN? I DIDN'T HEAR ANYONE LAUGHING, DID YOU?"

It must be misquoted because I couldn't find it on Google. MAKE WITH THE INFO, ODDUCK
