Aw, I was waiting for you to post this hilarious bit:
Aw, I was waiting for you to post this hilarious bit:
I love Skinner's utter obliviousness to what a line like that would do to a bunch of bored, pent-up elementary school kids.
2 is easily the best thing this franchise ever did since as mentioned below it has the genuinely funny rivalry between David Cross and Chris Elliot's characters. Plus this scene I always laughed at where two characters realize they're running away from a mere skeleton and turn around to beat the shit out of it.
Speaking as a student in a medical vocation, scrubs are a seriously underappreciated look on women.
"I'm Bad" is still as solid as a rock.
@Vervack:disqus "Yes. :)"
Oh, I understand now. Oh look, there goes one now.
He looked like John Prine.
When you consider it, David Cross' performance of that song is pretty on-the-drum, as well. He really does have a pretty voice.
God, that sounds like a nightmare.
Seinfelt >>>>>>>>>>> Modern Seinfeld.
They aren't? I mean you can say the average plot of an NCIS episode is completely hacky, trite shit, but the show is still tightly-laid out and not inclined to linger. Todd's review in general suggests this may be too reflective and "challenging" for your average viewer to become invested in.
"It’s going to have a healthy cult of detractors who will lob insults at it that it may very well deserve, insults like pretentious and slow-paced and poorly plotted."
No. This is going to be amazing.
Maybe, just maybe, there will come a time when the stars align just right to give that old chunk of coal another chance to turn into a diamond on the small screen, but this is not that time. :(
He does the chair-rub thing a lot. Example:
@avclub-a025671ea8b07acdb64341a0f191f37f:disqus Saxamaphone?
How can Kristen Schaal have a horse if she IS a horse?