Scott Agro

You don't deserve those hours back if you entered into the viewing of  your own free will.

Not allowing post-op transgender people into women's restrooms to prevent theoretical crossdressing rapists from assaulting "normal" women in them is one-hundred percent bullshit and in no way a valid argument. That's not a concern, that's a hysterical and ignorant fantasy. Get a fucking grip.


I love Portlandia and I want to enjoy an episode with Roseanne Barr, someone who I had long respected, but I wonder if my distaste for her recent bouts of transphobia can be suppressed for even thirty minutes of what I'm sure is the show's standard, dependable, endearing comedy.

It felt wrong to curse when invoking His name.

[Claps like Denzel Washington in Training Day]

63%. :(

That's a good point. Shut up, tho.

"I've torn this place apart and I STILL can't find my blood pressure meds."

Eh. The reviews so far on RottenTomatoes are wholly positive. I reject your reality, Robinson, and substitute my own.

I really think Alison's father purposefully set Lisa up to fail on that one.

You've seen through my clever ruse.

"OK, smart guy. If you're a REAL American, what's the best way to bypass Atlanta if you're headed from Macon to Nashville?"

"I mean, Jesus, could you imagine what an Americans-Archer crossover would look like?"

Try "It's like 'Cheers' meets 'The Simpsons!'"

My sister and I used to rewind the part where he sings his "Chew On A Dog" song at least 100 times per viewing of this movie.

1906 is being renamed "California Adventure."


You know the Klingons made people wear pieces of lens flair.

No, but you do get a lot of phrases that sound like Mars Volta song titles: