Scott Agro

"On second thought, let's not go to Helgeland. It is a tedious place."

Can we talk about how the announcer at the beginning of the SAG awards last night made this pun:

I think they should market it like Gabbo from the Simpsons.

Paul F. Tompkins is listed as a writer on this episode. I wonder if when Cross says "I'm outta here like Richard Gere" that was taken from Tompkins' story about he and his friends overhearing the neighbor tell his dad "I'm outta here like Steve Martin!"

I fucking love Suedekis' Biden. Then again I fucking love Jason Suedekis.

Me too. There were plenty of clunky moments, almost all of them because of Levine, but there were so many great jokes evenly dispersed throughout the sketches that it worked fairly well for me. How could anyone not love the Biden Bash sketch? God help me I even enjoyed the sheer mania of that "Bryce" sketch. The only

Let me tell you how hard I laughed the first time I watched that scene as a kid where Homer's shirt pops open to reveal the smeared Marge t-shirt while the floor buffer groaned in the hallway:

Some charlatan has stolen a Ziggy and passed it off as his own! And I can prove it. Quick, Elaine, to my archives!


That's irrelevant. It still reinforces a particular mindset of "Well if [someone from that ethnicity] isn't offended by this, why should I be?" It removes the capacity for some people to think critically about it. I'm not saying you have no right to express your own frustrations about it. I'm just saying that kind of

That's irrelevant. It still reinforces a particular mindset of "Well if [someone from that ethnicity] isn't offended by this, why should I be?" It removes the capacity for some people to think critically about it. I'm not saying you have no right to express your own frustrations about it. I'm just saying that kind of

That's cool of you not to be offended for all black people, tho.

That's cool of you not to be offended for all black people, tho.

If it's a news item about a premium cable network doing a show about Nazis that isn't an announcement that "Hobgoblin" is out of developement hell IDGAF about it:

Any kid who preferred Antz to A Bug's Life must have eaten cat turds out of the litter box.

Any talk of Terry Crews in White Chicks isn't complete without a viewing of this clip:

@avclub-d324a0cc02881779dcda44a675fdcaaa:disqus Bingo. Also: Gremlins and Slither.

@avclub-d324a0cc02881779dcda44a675fdcaaa:disqus Bingo. Also: Gremlins and Slither.

I was under the impression that it's widely reviled. I really enjoyed it.

I was under the impression that it's widely reviled. I really enjoyed it.