Terribly embarrassing of DoctorSmashy to overlook a WAR HERO.
Terribly embarrassing of DoctorSmashy to overlook a WAR HERO.
Terribly embarrassing of DoctorSmashy to overlook a WAR HERO.
When I saw the screencap for the vid on the main page I thought "Brickleberry" was a new Axe brand.
When I saw the screencap for the vid on the main page I thought "Brickleberry" was a new Axe brand.
@OhthePossibilities:disqus I think you missed the part where that guy got Axe body wash up his dang nose.
@OhthePossibilities:disqus I think you missed the part where that guy got Axe body wash up his dang nose.
My favorite moment in that sketch is Paul F. Tompkins playing the classic "Incredulous Drunk."
My favorite moment in that sketch is Paul F. Tompkins playing the classic "Incredulous Drunk."
What if she HAD gotten flowers from John Denver?! Ooooooooh! Spooky.
What if she HAD gotten flowers from John Denver?! Ooooooooh! Spooky.
Nothing will ever beat this one:
Nothing will ever beat this one:
I love how that poster isn't far off from the posters for "Tunafishing '87" and "Goober Patrol" from the Mr. Show "Josh Fenderman" sketch:
I love how that poster isn't far off from the posters for "Tunafishing '87" and "Goober Patrol" from the Mr. Show "Josh Fenderman" sketch:
"Why did you create Winobot? :'("
Today I learned that Freddie Highmore has aged into a pitch-perfect Lee Harvey Oswald-portrayer.
Today I learned that Freddie Highmore has aged into a pitch-perfect Lee Harvey Oswald-portrayer.
My heart says Frank Ocean, but the SIIIMMMMS in me bets it's MacFarlane.
My heart says Frank Ocean, but the SIIIMMMMS in me bets it's MacFarlane.
I'm genuinely confused as to which one Sims would like better.