HIMYM was a documentary and the events happened in real time.
HIMYM was a documentary and the events happened in real time.
Waitasecond, I can sue someone because I got fat? This is great news.
They look glum as they "fall in love" because they aren't falling in love the normal way; their psychic worm-pig spirit animals are together and thus the characters are being controlled by an inexplicable (to their point of view) force.
I don't think it was just the "US Standards" that made the first episodes not work. It's that there's only one Ricky Gervais, and attempting to reproduce his humor note for note just isn't going to work with another actor.
So this is barely on topic, but can someone explain to me why there's such an overlap between Renaissance Faire enthusiasts and swingers? Don't tell me you never noticed.
Speaking of those two things, google "ballistic penis".
The key to enjoying a Tom Cruise movie is to not anthropomorphize Tom Cruise.
I'm pretty sure Eli Roth just sits around watching German sheisse porn and eating bowl after bowl of creatine.
@avclub-9b60cf1b2106f886f17cba2b1a0359b9:disqus Stop referring to him as "Carson" as it sullies the name.
I'd say there were a normal amount.
Douchebag cargo pants: allow you to carry stuff to have a one-night-stand, while simultaneously removing all likelihood of that happening.
He *was* fat and awesome. Then he got thin and sucked.
I can't wait for the inevitable angsty post about the crowd on JWZ's blog.
I have a theory that The Mindy Project wanted to be the next 30 Rock, and if I wasn't hopped up on cold medicine, I could draw parallels between a lot of the characters on the two shows. And on the surface, a lot of the complaints about this show being all over the place could be levied against 30 Rock. But of…
When he was on Maron's WTF Podcast, Cross complained about people giving him crap about The Chipmunks. He gave two excuses, which he seemed to think were rock solid: 1) It's for a different audience, and 2) I really needed the money.
I missed AV Club favorites Kitty Pride and Andrew W.K. today.
I've taken an unhealthy amount of American Airlines flights in the last two months. They are pimping the HELL out of Smash on American Airlines TV.
Once Rhonda Shear left I stopped watching.
I blame Macklemore.
This is by far the most guilty I've ever felt for liking a comment.