Makes them harder when strangled!
Makes them harder when strangled!
At the very least they have to use the soaringly depressing "Big Brother"
They'll just do a Diamond Dogs jukebox musical, right? I'd see it.
Beware the savage jawwww
of 1984!
Strange too, since he budgeted so much for desserts.
BET's anniversary will be hosted by the actor who portrayed black Frasier.
You say the peacock?? That's insane!
These were the best of times, these were the cuck of times.
Yeah, I'm taking an optimistic view of their regular readers. But boycotts need some sort of optimism. I definitely think emerging writers will think twice though. A lot of them signed with S&S will lose out over this.
Something like we hope your supporters don't shoot protesters at your events?
Right, the publicity can definitely backlash. I think a publicized boycott could be worthwhile because the boycotters might have a longer memory/more vested interest in S&S products than the new business. I'm guessing avid readers will hurt then longer than new Milo fanboys.
I think it's enough for me or someone else to say "I don't feel like giving S&S money anymore if this is what they're using it on." Roxanne Gay's doing that, and so are lots of others.
I see the vocal protest to Simon & Schuster as less trying to get the book from being read and more to let the company know you don't approve of the direction they're going in.
"Sinnerman" at the conclusion of my impeachment hearing.
We can still get Diamond Joe articles after tomorrow, right?
Sometimes you want funhouse Chinese food.
Was it the NY Times that included photos of La La Land with headlines about Moonlight's victory?
Funny fuck me clown!
While doing a full listen-through of his discography, that record felt very immediate and spare after the excessive blandness of Never Let Me Down and Tonight. I like both Tin Machine records, and I was a child when the initial backlash happened.
He's saving up for that Escape to Margaritaville musical! The ticket bot ban makes a lot of sense in that context.