
this is the kind of game people pay actual money to play these days?

Jesus Christ, their Robin Hood was soooo fucking stupid, they're gonna do it all over again?

add a fifth possibility:

also, everybody knows the really interesting Rockefeller movie would be about Michael, who may or may not have been eaten by cannibals in a remote region of New Guinea in 1961.

he was a very handsome man, as burn victims go.

…and she had the heart attack while struggling with the packing tape dispenser. hope you feel good about yourself now.

indeed… could it *be* more early-mid 90's?

"She also said she had been working for years on The Angelmakers, a novel about female gangsters that she’d 'written seven times and not yet gotten right.' "

you know what instrument is hard?

three words this time, Terry:

if I told you once I told you a million times, Donnie: STOP TRYING TO EAT THE BALLSACK OFF YOUR BROTHER'S BASEBALL CAP!!!

do we not already get at least one frustrated Dewey scene per ep?

the second season of Orange Is The New Black feels different somehow.

what about spaceman?

Mud's choice of baseball bat is against MLB regulations.

Steam-Driven Boogaloo?

why is it you can play cowboy as an adult and nobody will question your maturity, but if you go around wearing a policeman's hat or a fireman's helmet in daily life people will look at you strange?

don't look at me, I got my podcast, Jack!

every podcast i listen to wants me to donate money to it… and now this asshole wants be to donate money to a thing about podcasts that isn't even a podcast? no, fuck you. you want money, get a real podcast, like a MAN!

really? you want to go out with this still ringing in your ears? at least put on something halfway decent as palette cleanser!