
why stop there?

the invitations were shown several episodes ahead of time, with November 23, 1963 in bold, practically blinking with foreshadowing…

psycho house beats

more of a pathological narcissist really….


I did!  They sent me here!

Why don't you try W. H. Smith's?


conception was prolly between haloween and thanksgiving 1967

hmmmm…  does anybody else remember an anti-pot-smoking PSA cartoon featuring a devil trying to seduce kids with various promises of the benefits of toking up, concluding with an unctuously delivered "it'll make you SWIM better….<snicker>"

also, an island of blue in a sea of red…

can't go wrong with duck advice….

just stabbing

you will be shocked how much this didn't happen

glass ceiling wax

That's Dikkens with two Ks, the well-known Dutch author

sale of two titties, no?

Joan's story-line is finally approaching a loooooong coming apex….
