
it's a living

thank you for the actor's name who plays dinkins

duly duly noted

it's surprisingly affordable

worst. human being. ever.

'27 yankee that he is…

the failure only happened later….  initially it sold like hot cakes…  really really hot cakes….  made with shoddy, poorly assembled ingredients…..  that only became obviously bad after a couple years….

or gamma rays

don has that effect on people

ex-in-law+short=easy target

personally, I was born some time between last week's episode and this one…


total dip

how many other people got the strong impression that the soldier physically resembled what Roger/John Slattery looked like at the same age?

too gauche?  is it gauche enough?

remember, program for program, Nixon was effectively our last functionally liberal president….  everything since has swung variously further to the right

bushes==history's greatest monsters

must tang


time to harvest the plants…