
smething smething smething
"Who knows what adventures they'll have between now and when the show is no longer profitable?"

a year's worth of Walt's production is, by my calculations above, netting Gus about $400 million….not sure how much more money he needs, but that amount might be a little hard to easily launder via his Pollos earnings….

feel so dirty when they start talking cute


if you can't trust a guy who's faked his own death
who can you trust?

i do find myself periodically muttering "get a tripod already" even though i know it's a deliberate choice….

jesse has had one key "bitch" in every episode so far this season

he has the powers of everybody else on the show

i thought the whole "come visit the guy who you nearly had whacked as part of your master plan, right under the noses of the law enforcement agency for which he worked" thing represented super-villain levels of effrontery and ballsy disdain. taking it to the next level….

the unseen elephants that have yet to enter the room: we have seen no sign of Don Tio Salamanca's own children yet — both Tuco and the two this season were his nephew's, not actual progeny….

Hot Sluts seemed a little too sub-Channel101 for my taste….

another successful appeal to pride

george and lung cancer need not be mentioned…..

well sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeit

i think the Gale backlash got rolling with the offer of a ride — nobody helps walk with car trouble and fails to regret it…..

also, neither the cousins or Tuco were Don Salamanca's children — he referred to himself as the cousins' uncle, so if he has any children of his own, they have not appeared on the show yet….

no, it did seem to land further away from hank than where he picked it up…maybe the pavement slopes a little and it rolled down towards him?

don't invade his epic home

so, girls, what do you say? warm or cold?