
it's really just a matter of time before Jesse relapses, given his cavalier attitude towards being around people using his product


that should clear things up stat

personally, i always most dug Wildfire's containment suit — talk about a hellacious "power" — transformed into anti-energy blob living in a permanent wetsuit

oh man, i missed this discussion for some reason….

smething else

on listening, i actually got the whole way through without skipping away
so, i guess i disagree with the D- rating….

by way of elaboration: i'm usually at the cable access studio doing editing or smething on the same night of the week that the right wing show tapes (and has pizzas delievered), and they usually leave a couple slices or entire pies sitting around for scavengers such as myself….other than their odious political

a week later and i'm still not sure how i felt about dr colossus
parts were quite good, but i still can't make it all add up in my own head to what i was hoping from the previews….

the local right wing cable access show is sponsored by Dominos
i thought something was funny about the leftover fascist pizza

hmmm….i DO know a kind of famous bassist….weird

sugar: the original, original gateway drug….

okay, so i watched the whole thing now…
yeah, that was pretty good



throw my ongoing requests for coverage of Metalocalypse onto the pile
that is all

furthurbaniak: also voiced Bowie sovereign

they really shouldn't have turned everybody into skrulls

also nice to see that 21 is clearly not cut out to start arching for himself and that he's still set on remaining a henchman to the Monarch….

"Let me tell you a story about a little henchman named Speedy."