Frank TJ Mackey

Can't believe I forgot the biggest rule of them all
If it involves swords, dragons, magic, vampires, werewolves, other worlds, realms, fairies, goblins, sorcerers, witches, or any tripe like that, I won't watch it.

Yeah we all know you so well, and we have been wondering why you're such a "grumpy gus!" Asshole!


Frank TJ Mackey's rules
Won't watch:
1. Movies starring rappers using their given names.
2. Movies wherein a teacher makes students believe in themselves.
3. Animated movies where it appears that the celebrities' lending their voices are being hyped as the reason to see the movie.
4. Tyler Perry movies.
5. Angelina Jolie

What the Internet needs
is more references to 1984 and the word 'Orwellian.' C'mon folks!

Biastioc is right.

…we are all boners.

@Anonymous - you said exactly what I was thinking.

I think the men all went out for CiCis pizza after the shoot.

I have a delicious taste in This American Life episodes. Does that count for something?

I have my ICMBs
aimed at Sarah Palin, and the read, my friends, says "Book club!"

I hope this is HIMYM's last season
This show has become a parody of itself. Gone is the warmth and cleverness, having made way for celebrity appearances, goofy surrealism, and lines done under HIMYM-ness. It's gotten so popular, it's its own meme. But don't you go thinking I'm flattering the show by calling it meta.

When I see Peter Berg, I just think of Dennis Duffy.

or Lindsay. It sounds made up.

When Nia Vardalos was in Curb Your Enthusiasm
I wanted to bang her. Still want to.

Great article
Just want to add some 2+ years love to this article and this man. Seriously underrated, underexposed, but I would guess that the latter has as much to do with Brooks not seeking a lot of fame.

I'm on the internet, and people love me. People love you, too, Dr. Robutnik.

SWAM says I can stay up and eat ice cream and watch TV.

After this year's Golden Globes
I'm totally done with these ceremonies.

My least favorite Q&A so far
I have put The Onion behind me, the way I have with Mitch Hedberg jokes and big talk about how Wes Anderson is The Greatest Director of All Time.