
To sum it up.

Yeah I really liked it, a touch heartbreaking

They do the whole poem, not just that bit.

"I wanna be your vacuum cleaner."  That's a great lyric, though not Turners.   
Beautiful and mundane and a little funny.

Every time I read this article I spend ten minutes interviewing myself in my own head.  It's "always take the weather with you"  by Crowded House.

Firewire cable down the old chap perhaps?

I dunno, I'm sure the remake will be awful but theoretically it would be very suited to being set in the internet age.  Maybe if Cronenberg did it himself.

yeah fantastic stuff, can blow a hangover away in minutes

Bite it you skum

Cgi blood was really distracting

It's just incredibly bad.

Don't watch it, it's shocking.

They have that great song on the Clerks soundtrack too, "making me sick" it's called.  Well I liked it anyways

God I love this cover, this house, those shirts, those hair cuts, this album.  I love it so fucking much.

I actually kind of did enjoy Kick Ass.  But I still left feeling weird or sleazy or something.  Like I'd just watched porn

Mark Millar is a dickhead hi, straight up.

What da fug?

Also Even in his youth, Curmudgeon, Opinion, Mrs Butterworth.