
This was great.  I experienced a range of emotions and left feeling informed and hopeful about the future.  Awesome job!

Wait a second, is that the same guy?  Who the hell is ripping off who?  They've got ridiculously similar names too

This is awesome if you read it in Carl from Aqua Teens voice

I don't understand.  He's not allowed to criticise music because he hasn't opened a theme park? 

I only heard Social Distortion recently, they seemed kind of corny but the songwriting is pretty good at times.  Better if you don't see them in videos with their muscles and eye liner.   Also how can this article begin without mentioning the influence of Operation Ivy had the end of the eighties on what the West

That's not on the version I have

Eating the script

I don't think he really gives a damn about his albums at all and it's not how most people even listen to him anymore.  They're just there to give some context to the 2 or 3 monster hit singles he releases and because historically people release albums.

Cowboys Ted, they're a bunch of cowboys.

Not a movie but William Burroughs thanksgiving prayer has to get some love.  The way he says "mean pinched bitter faces" or whatever it is incredible. What a voice.

I will admit this is hard to understand hahah I was wile wile drunk when I wrote it.

I watched it.  His dad gave him unfounded advice, he doomed his race because he wasn't imaginative enough to find another planet.  His father advised him against the path he  went down anyways both before and after his dad died (with no repercussions).  He became a journalist at the last minute with no previous

You have to start wearing a bunny costume and walking through here at night.

Japan and America were like this for me non-stop.  America for feeling like you are in a movie.  Japan for feeling like you are in an anime.  I could jut walk mindlessly for  hours in joy.

This one mainly for Irish and British people I imagine

*Spoilers Ahead*

I don't understand why Superman didn't save his dad, what the fuck?  He saved literally everyone else directly in front of loads of people and there was never one repercussion.  At least tell Pa Kent to sit this one out and go save the dog yourself Superman.
Also why is Zod terraforming, it's brushed over by saying

I actually like the Phantom Menace more than the other two.  It's the only one that's got some kind of reasonable structure I think.

I liked this.  I especially like that costume, the blue is so lovely and the design is so simple and clean.  The new one isn't really to my taste (haven't seen the actual film yet).

Yeezus don't want me for a sunbeam,