
Gandolfini represents Weetabix.  Massively dependant but very wet at this point

hehehehe……….          Scoot!

I never thought about it too much but you're right.  Knowing how obvious that choice of tune is does make all political aspects possibly worse than they were.  I mean maybe he should have just gone the whole hog and had Bradley Pitts wearing Che Guevara tshirts and listening to Rage against the machine…..I think I

I think in the book version of Trainspotting they even moan about the song being on during actual drug taking.

It was fantastic I thought even if it was a bit on the nose.  The desperate state that practically everyone is in is almost funny after a while, like the guy that tries to steal the tip that Pitt has left on his table when they leave the cafe.
The robbery was really intense too.
The political content was a bit much but

As am I.  It was too easy.

Hahaha na I don't really watch it, I was just messing.

American office is shite fucking shite.  Fucking shite.  Shite.  Fuck off.

I like this band name, sounds like a really dodgy breakfast cereal.  YOU EAT BOSNIAN RAINBOWS! ALL 3 COLOURS.

Didn't really enjoy much after Frances myself either, just the odd thing here and there, the drum section in Day of the baphomets for one.  It's time he joined a hardcore band.

I wont be happy till Superman fights polar bears and has a tiny gay black sidekick

This was fucking hilarious.  The reviewer's probably got odd legs.

There was a scene in Honey I blew up the kid, I think he's running around maybe with a towel on his head.  This gigantic baby in a lab.  Me and my sister thought it was the funniest thing we'd ever seen as children.

Had no idea David Mamet wrote this, makes sense, Glengarry Glen Ross was one of the biggest pieces of shit to ever come along and convince people it was good.

This is a triumph of shite

He doesn't have a name, he's an orphan.  Fiver On.  I enjoyed this one.

This comment is incredibly brilliant when read in Matt Smiths Doctor voice

A Luuv you Jon Snow eeeeven if  yaa are ah faaancy Waaancy Prince.  Jon Snows falling in love with his dad.

Assylum Of The Daleks?  Must've missed that saucy number, na but  I think I haven't even seen Hide or maybe I blacked out during it

Also I think they've scoofed the over arching plot with Clara, it hasn't gained any steam throughout the series at all.  I really don't care who she is unless she gets some sort of identifiable character.  At this point she's still a bit of a sketch, if even that.