
I decided to finish 'Disaster' anyway.

"Man of the People" - for Troi being an empath who can figure out the obvious, the times she can't it gets even more annoying because the audience - as usual - figures out long before she does.

Season 5 tried new tropes, and used existing tropes in different ways.

I remember "Disaster" being a disaster on initial viewing.  A contrived storyline and some bad science when LaForge decompresses the bay…


"The Chase" - as I recall, it's got a good sci-fi premise but just didn't appeal to me on previous viewing…  I'll have to see it again.  It's been a number of years…

"Ensign Ro" - The Barber line was daft, and I don't recall of later episodes go into detail about Ro's away team, but this story - right down to the incidental music - blew me away.

Ditto, re: the observations for "The Wounded".

"Remember Me" is an interesting outing.  It's a great idea for a plot, but Gates McFaddon's acting varies between scenes and it distracts.  She seems like she's walking her lines rather than being "in the moment",  Atypical because I like her in plenty of other stories.

"Legacy" is a near-classic.

I liked this episode - overall.