
@avclub-784376e390129e4655fcd64d1e1e68c3:disqus except for the one guy with the mustache and Christmas sweater


@avclub-400df0aa82bc46e49e2247dc5da23810:disqus  Thanks for the headsup! 

Methinks not well..


El Topo! That is that effing movie! A particularly liberal professor made us watch that film during my first year at community college for reasons that were never made clear. He had a fairly thick accent and I never did catch the name of the movie. Warren Oates, you have answered one of my life's mysteries.

I met some inconsequential Detroit Red Wings and Tigers. All were traded soon after.

ohh noooo! NO!

After reading all of that, I'm realizing that I really miss Norm MacDonald! Great stuff.

I gave this movie a shot when I found it buried on the shelf deep in the disarrayed comedy section of the video store where I worked. Norm MacDonald and Artie Lange? SNL and an original Mad TV cast member? It has to be good for some laughs, right?