Erudite Truck Driver

The AV Club was so much better when everything wasn't written by Rabin.

That's what the DP said!

Can't argue with a man who was quoted in the New York Times.

As long as the genital skin isn't puffy, it's fine.

But they couldn't have been the same, they had different voices.

But he gets results!

Skrillex is the musician this project deserves.

Pretty much the wife of every French politician acts like this, but it may just be a defence mechanism.

Something involving caramel would work nicely.

I thought it was stupid when it was called "docking".

It's been months.

Glad I scrolled down.

What's a telephone cord?

All I know is that I read an interview with Moore where she said she loved the show and would be thrilled if they asked her to be on. That was about 3 years ago.

There had better be a MTM cameo tonight. She has gone on record saying that she loves the show and would love to be on. If after 7 years Tina Fey couldn't figure some way to shoehorn her into an episode, then that's just a douchebag cockblock.



I'm happy that he found some success, but I'm fairly certain that this project will be disappointing. There's no way it could live up to the expectations.


Skiing relates specifically to doing cocaine, mountain climbing means crack.