Erudite Truck Driver

I assumed it was a show about prostitutes who also worked as drug mules.

And on Blu-ray?

Extra viscous.

Blue milk filled my mind, and I came up with a funky rhyme.

Less than three years to build this movie from scratch was never realistic.

See, in Europe they understand the value of an Old World Crackhaus.

Gondry came this close to directing the next Star Wars movie.

And if you have more than one it's scrota.

So, not as bad as we were expecting.

The biggest shock of this article? Snoop owns a Milwaukee Brewers hat.

There's a reason there's only one Luke Perry.

That post pushes the envelope, Scrawler.

And that little boy grew up to be ….. Joseph Mengele.

And pot was the "wisdom weed" that grew on the tomb of King Solomon.

You're a soothsayer, Snowmania.

He knows what he's talking about.

You're the defendant, Charlie Brown.

Du darfst kein boobie haben.

I feel sorry for the poor bastard who doesn't realize that he is indeed a creep until he gets turned down for that reason.

Other way around.