Erudite Truck Driver

"Plot Keywords: Bald | Black Cop | Fedora | Lollipop | Remake"

It doesn't suck, which makes it the Citizen Kane of Romcoms.

It doesn't suck, which makes it the Citizen Kane of Romcoms.

This comment section is going to be huge.

This comment section is going to be huge.

"Aw, man. Now my chausses are starting to chafe."

"Aw, man. Now my chausses are starting to chafe."

Giving advice about only using objects with flared ends as butt plugs is only going to work on those patients who don't want to have objects removed from their rectum in hospitals. And we know there's going to be some of those kind of people.

Giving advice about only using objects with flared ends as butt plugs is only going to work on those patients who don't want to have objects removed from their rectum in hospitals. And we know there's going to be some of those kind of people.

I was so excited when this came on. Star Wars! In my own house! I didn't make it very far because I don't remember the song and dance routines or the cartoon. That's how bad this was: it made a Star Wars crazed 5 year old turn the channel.

I was so excited when this came on. Star Wars! In my own house! I didn't make it very far because I don't remember the song and dance routines or the cartoon. That's how bad this was: it made a Star Wars crazed 5 year old turn the channel.

If you read the credits, it says that some contestants went through a screening process.

If you read the credits, it says that some contestants went through a screening process.

The best not actual Jedi master names are most of the UN secretary generals throughout history.

The best not actual Jedi master names are most of the UN secretary generals throughout history.

And then Santa rides into town on a rotary razor.

And then Santa rides into town on a rotary razor.

Coal is dead. Fracking is where it's at.

Coal is dead. Fracking is where it's at.

Sorry, but this story can't be true. If they were from Texas, they would have called it "The War of Northern Aggression."