Erudite Truck Driver

Every Christian lion hearted man will hate you.

A B B A Start unleashes "Zombie mode".

I thought it was Wayne Gretzky.


You do not want to see the postcard Dan Savage hands out to fans.

Is that the same mom ceilidhann dropped out of?

"They said it was a Lebanese movie, but there wasn't any chick on chick action."

That movie was huge overseas.

Worked for Meatloaf. Somehow.

I think he's trying to impersonate someone from the movie "Mask", but I can't figure out if it's the Cher or Eric Stoltz character.

Oh, they had designers back then!

In a year and a half the incoming class of high school freshmen will have been born in the year 2000.

Suck it, Fleet Centah. Yah'll nevah be the GAH-DEN!

There was The Rage: Carrie 2 which came out in 1999 as a part of the millennial wave of teen movies. The girl was supposedly Carrie's niece or something.

The joke has been beaten to death.

When I was a teacher, I would always use "Aww, that's super" in Lovejoy's tone whenever a student said something that was completely irrelevant to the topic at hand.

Nobody gets that reference anymore.

Goodbye, Cleveland!

That vagina is gonna get totally buttled.

No patrons will be seated during chilling Taco Bell Texas Taco Sandwich scene.