Erudite Truck Driver

Yes, yes they were. Never underestimate a baby boomer's ability to whine.

What's the point of hiring a ghost writer if you can't claim their work as your own?

Wow. Savage Garden and Soundgarden aren't in the same ballpark, they're not even in the same fucking sport!

To go to the trouble of producing a feature film, those were very expensive thrills.


None of the kinder are going to get that joke.

I'm interested in reading your opinion on which crappy punk band was the seminalist.

I'm trying to think of a cloaca minima joke but it's just not coming to me. That and the analogy is inexact

I'll give her this, that blonde dame has a pair of peepers that could melt a Siberian winter.

Yes, any person who marries a member of the opposite sex has to be at least bi. Case in point: Elton John.

I hear you loud and clear.

To be fair, he wouldn't have any kind words for you if the situation was reversed.

Well, between this and the Bert and Ernie are gay reports that pop up occasionally, yes.

You want I should wipe the dead bugs from your windshield?

Every time there's a story involving Muppets and sex, I can't help but think that there isn't enough lube on the planet that would prevent the inevitable genital/anal rug burn that would result.

The pic makes him look like he's auditioning for a Pirates of the Caribbean prequel, but I can't decide which character he's going for.

I'm gonna eat the fruit and throw away the rinds!

I wish the trucking industry was half as civilized as this episode portrays it to be. The reality: it stinks!


Is it Lent already?