Milton Waddams

RIP. Christmastime wouldn't be the same without Rankin-Bass.

Ha, that would have made that ad more interesting. Most of the commercials were white-noise bland, but that one stood out for how bad it was.

As most are probably aware, the click baiting went too far by MSNBC and they fired a staffer for tweeting, well, basically all of the above comments you refer to. And here's a story that notes that there is no statistically significant difference between the percentage of interracial families amongst Democrats and

But don't liberals have to hate SodaStream for being Israeli? It's why ScarJo just resigned her role as an Oxfam International spokesperson.

Well, there was a puppy, and then a horse, but then there was a puppy again. What?!?

Memento is kind of the quintessential Christopher Nolan movie, because it seems like a really good and clever while you're watching it, but if you actually think about it afterward, you start questioning whether it was actually all that good. On the other hand, the scene that opens with Pearce thinking he's chasing

You're playing a little fast and loose with the word "great." but I also liked that the characters recognized him from the premier episode.

In the WSJ's analysis of NFL TD celebrations, the body bump was far and away the most popular in-endzone move.

"Demon dog from Ghost Busters" may have been my favorite line of the night.

He's the narrator on The Goldbergs on a rival network, and despite his elitist stances on all things comedy, Oswalt has always chased the paycheck too.

It wasn't just the product placement, although that was pretty obvious, and I'm not sure the lampshadeing helped that much. The whole episode was more absurdest and surreal than New Girl usually is - references to Prince jokes from Chappelle's Show, the pet butterfly, the trying on new clothes montage…it was not

If no one ever declared they wanted to have sex, how would sex get had? The disturbing thing about @theburntice:disqus's euphemism is that it seems like he wants to give an actress chemical burns in her nether regions with cooking spices.

Colin Quinn has long been underappreciated by the public. He seems to have found a niche in the stand up as one man show format, though.

I'm surprised it took so long for someone to mention Bob's conversation with the zucchini. That was my favorite scene.

Grade threads wear out my scroll wheel.

Wow, three comments and not one of them pointing out that you called Levar Burton Lamar? For shame, AVC grammar police!

I especially liked the reveal of Gina sitting on the couch after she said it.

SaoMagnifico: (From a bathroom stall) "Charles…you're the best!"

Weekend stay-over after a business trip, in the same hotel.

I'm sure they've told you otherwise on Bones or CSI, but I don't think carbon dating is accurate to the day.