Milton Waddams

I was a little disappointed that Abbie's line from the previews wasn't actually in the episodes, or did I miss it?

Not just the woods, but an island in a river. Talk about a well-sealed roof, I need to get some Masons to do the masonry when I build a house.

The pure industrial power of The Following (i.e., production values) got me to watch the first several episodes, but it was just kind of boring. Serial killer cults shouldn't be boring.

Yeah, the only problem I saw with Katrina was that she got opening-credit billing ahead of characters who were on screen much more often.

Except that he's actually leaving to pursue the show he's developing about Atlanta. No one's delusional enough to think that his music career is going to earn him millions of dollars.

Hispanic isn't a race. Neither is Mexican. Or immigrant.

Trophy Wife is OK, but it's not for everyone. It's the quintessential ABC Mom Com.

Is Todd making people call him The Lord now?

Yeah, other than the episode where she was introduced as Abby's guilty secret, she's been pretty much dead weight for me.

This episode was lacking in insanity for you? How about the Hollywood Theology runner throughout that everyone was racing to get to a bible so that George Washington could deliver them from evil? Or that a priest with holy water and a cross (and presumably, you know, Jesus) gets his head spun around, but table salt

I didn't feel like this was one of the best episodes of Bob's Burgers, but it had a lot of fantastic one liners, most of which have been mentioned above. I mean, it had three burgers of the week!

Ha, good catch. I didn't put two and two together on that.

No, I saw both. But the Caper one was a brief glimpse and I didn't catch what the pun was.

As I understand it, the parts of the show that were not directly taken from the source material were the best part. I believe one of the comments in the thread for the American version was that the Danish version was nothing if not conventional.

Agreed, the Dean is usually the semi-grounded one in the thematic episodes, and he works really well in them. His incredulous "do people go to classes?" in the Pillows and Blankets episode was one of my favorite lines of his.

I like that Real Neil with the Pipes of Steel is the ready-made voice over, but that they only use it when voice over is parody-appropriate.

The share (which I only saw in whole numbers) stayed consistent for the first three, and only Mindy dropped off. And you can't really blame the TV watching public for that. Let's hope the post-Super Bowl slot helps out B99.

The Gina fans seem to really like Chelsea Peretti from other things. She has her moments, but really feels superfluous to the cast right now. And since the other characters all fit in so well (maybe one too many of Hitchcock and Scully) she really sticks out as being unnecessary.

Given the creators'/producers'/writers' track record with The Office and Parks and Rec, I'd say three seasons and then a few more seasons we wish didn't happen.

But if they have realistic seasons, then they couldn't have everyone wear jackets all the time. Number one rule of costume design: add a jacket.