Milton Waddams

I'm pretty sure people on the east and west costs think midwesterners and southerners complaining about chiggers are using poorly-coded racial slurs.

She's a cop in a small NY city. I assume half of her duties are helping stranded motorists in the winter.

I like Irving, and I think the family dynamic adds an interesting layer. Jenny, however, is completely worthless. She served her purpose after the storyline about Abby and her sister seeing Moloch in the woods was concluded, and she hasn't belonged since then. Shoehorning her in as Irving's romantic interest is not

The down-votes are anonymous…or, more anonymous than the up-votes that show screen names. They're just begging for us to give people the downward-facing carrot.

Recognizing and appreciating beauty isn't shallow.

There's also a difference between "doesn't work right at first" and "doesn't work after going public."

Yeah, but SBN's banner makes use of helpful drop-down menus. It's easy to navigate AND it looks like a Windows 8 promo, which I guess we're all supposed to like now.

So I always thought the consensus (or at least the consensus of those I ever talked to about it) was that Billy Madison and Happy Gilmore really were good, and that the following Sandler movies were of lesser quality - not that they were the same as Mr. Deeds, Little Nicky, etc., but we just hadn't gotten sick of him

Was Walking Tall more drama, or action?

So along those lines…we're all sure that Peter is gay, right? I don't know why the show would have him talk about all the girls he's been with otherwise. So the "seducing Cliff" part would make sense then.

It's reactions like this that remind me of just how culturally narrow AV Club comment sections are. One person could have 100 different screen names and we'd never know the difference.

They kind of glossed over it, but when Holt mentioned that the 70s were not that great, it made me think of all of the other things people have mentioned about New York in that era. For example, the episode of Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee with Colin Quinn, when he and Jerry debate the merits of not getting

That guy owes me big time. It it weren't for me, he'd still be in federal pound-me-in-the-ass prison.

This show, and any show really, is prone to a few clunkers (on its own scale of self-comparison), and so I'm not too worried. That said, the rerun they showed earlier in the night with the mechanical shark - that was quite a bit better.

I didn't make this connection until right now. Also, I just searched "Bob's Burgers Tina lady parts" on my work computer, so if I get fired, I think I'll probably know why.

We don't all need to play. You already gave the obviously right answer.

So you're telling me the AV Club is a cult.

I enjoyed this episode - even Bob's Burgers at its worst is still going to have some good stuff - but the comparison to Lindapendent Woman actually made me downgrade this episode in comparison. Remember the "This is working" pseudo-duet from that episode?

Loved the Key West line. Also, when Kurt said they weren't going to starve because he tried to trick Linda into having sex with him, but because she ate all of the cheese and crackers.

It is available online today. I don't understand why some shows make you wait a week to watch online. Do advertisers/Nielsen care more about the DVR numbers than online numbers? Or is there a dumber reason for it?