Milton Waddams

Well, to each their own, but I think there's some communal revisionist history going on here. For evidence, here's a discussion on the 2004-05 season titled "What happened?"

Oh man, I just read that, and it's pretty much why I always go out of my way to not endorse critics as deciders of goodness. I would summarize her review as "Ghostbusters is pretty funny, and sometimes spooky and exciting, but I didn't really like it, so it's not as good as you think."

I like baseball, but I just couldn't bring myself to watch this series, or any playoff series with the Cardinals. Cardinals fans are insufferable, and Joe Buck and Tim McCarver are both part of the Cards family, and they never really let you forget it. In fact, they're two of the worst offenders in the "best fans in

Because remember when she was head writer at SNL after Will Ferrell left? That's why.

Don't ever do that near me again.

I don't think most people find the word slutty too offensive, other than maybe the slutwalk types, and their relevance is limited to college departments that end in "studies" and, well, AV Club probably.

Plus, the network clearly likes it. I don't know if it's online anywhere, but Terry Crews was in character for part of the Fox football pregame show this week.

The wackiness quotient in New Girl seems to have been pushed a little too high this season - a fate that befalls many quirky comedies. I know it sounds odd, but a show where a police detective fell through the ceiling of his superior's office with no consequences whatsoever seems like the more grounded show. At

Are you asking me how much you loved something? I think I'll need more information, but I'll take a stab at it: You scored a 14 on the loved it meter!

No indication that he was interested in her, but they clearly were friends, and lets face it, in high school, that's enough to "go out" for a while.

They joke in the commentary for Beers and Weirs that Nick complimenting Sarah's necklace when she helps him get Lindsey out of class was the flirtation that culminated in the finale.

I went to a school almost as small as Todd's (graduating class of 23) and I would have completely lost touch with some of my best friends if it weren't for facebook. Heck, one of my best friends and I were the only two from our class to go to my college, and we barely hung out there, before he dropped out and moved

So, like, someone who would follow the same band around for months at a time living out of a van? That's not normal behavior?

I forget, have they done Twin Peaks?

I watched it when it aired on NBC, while I was in HS, because I was cool before ALL OF YOU.

Yes, they knew it was going to be the series finale. It may not have been intended that way, as Todd notes, but they wouldn't have shaken things up so much if they thought they were getting another season. On the DVDs they discuss the things they would have dealt with in season two, and if they thought they were

It's not Amy Poehler per se, it's the character of Leslie. Since pretty much all of the other characters' purposes are to tell Leslie how great she is, it's hard to get past her being terrible.

It doesn't need saving. It's getting the post-Super Bowl slot, and Fox has ordered a full season. They even used Terry Crewes in character in the Fox football pregame show this week.

Don't worry, Leslie will still ruin the episode on Nov. 14.

Community really does feel like that relief pitcher who, despite always doing his job pretty well, only gets brought in to put the fire out when the starter loads the bases, and he's basically always in a no win situation, and he knows that if he could just get into the set-up role or even long middle relief he'd look