Milton Waddams

So, so many good toons and emails, I can't choose a favorite.

I think this is the first mention of the Easter eggs. That was a great use of the format, which is definitely lost on YouTube or DVD. I kind of can't believe Todd didn't mention them, but it's a credit to the content that the strength of the format was an afterthought for this review.

You come for the jiggy-juggas, but stay for the wiggy-wuggas.

The scene where Daniel picks up Ken was the last scene the two of them filmed.

Judd Apatow referred to that line as the "Jews controlling the media" moment of the show.

I didn't really think about it at the time, but how great is it that the Captain waited until that point to interrupt and say he'd seen it? It's the end.

Andy Barker was fine, but ARCTU was a great show. It was a lot like Scrubs, only good.

They should all still be available online. They're not even weird and make you wait a week like Bob's Burgers.

Goose is coming back, right?

He caught a dog!

Don't bring actual theology into this. This show is quintessential Hollywood theology, which is vaguely Christian for familiarity's sake, but mostly plot device. My guess is she used bad witch magic to preserve/resurrect/whatever Ichabod, not good witch magic.

This is AV Club.  That story was supposed to end with you converting to atheism because you're not a racist. 

Yeah, I think I was the bad roommate in my first roommate experience; he brought all the furnishings, and I kind of mooched off of him a lot.  He moved in with some friends in a different dorm, and then a friend of mine from church moved in with me.  I was the good roommate with him and my sophomore year roommate. 

I think most athletes are in the regular dorms.  Football season starts before fall classes, so they'd arrive early, but once all of the dorms opened, would probably move to their regularly-assigned rooms.  My roommate freshman year actually was on the football team (I ended up being assistant equipment manager, but

"Somehow I then fell immediately and deeply asleep."

You are aware that ESPN was involved in the making of this episode, right?  They actually formally removed themselves a few weeks ago, but this was done with ESPN's help.  There is, of course, mass speculation as to why they dropped their involvement so late.

I never really thought about the larger context of how the characters relate to one another, but I almost feel like Nick is the cautionary tale for Lindsey as the transitions to a different stage in her life.  For a long time, his easy-going eagerness is endearing, but as the series progresses, he really is revealed