
Apparently in England, the eating of squirrel meat has recently become popular. It's part of a national campaign to rid the country of pesky non-native gray squirrels (which are hunted and eaten) in order to save the beloved indigenous red squirrel.

YHWH? How do you pronounce that?…there aren't any vowels!

A friend of mine can explain away literally every plot hole and inconsistency in the original trilogy…except Ewoks.

Blanchett is good, in a "Natasha Fatale" meets Rosa Klebb sort of way.

@ Pilgrim

I think the first classic years of The Simpsons will stand the test of time because they are divorced from topicality or fads in a way that Family Guy and (most) South Park are not.

can I at least have your big brass balls?

Anyone remember the episode of Punky where they all went bald from using off-brand hair care products?


Listening to Public radio
Recently, I started to "get" public radio. TAL, Fresh Air, Car Talk, Morning Edition, Marketplace, hell, lately I've even been listening to A Prairie Home Companion. When I was a teenager, that show bugged the hell out of me whenever my parents put it on.

Roneesh, have you read Vowell's "Assassination Vacation"?

I just started listening to TAL this year, and although I love it I've never watched the tv show. I guess I'll have to check it out.

Agreed. "Antony's voice is…something alien choked from the throats of Nina Simone and Scott Walker with a pair of frilly gloves found in the back of a cabaret dressing room." Battaglia FTW.

Charles Dickens wrote entirely in cum.

I wish I'd seen them in 2000. The closest I came was a 2001 show where Tenacious D opened (at the height of their powers). The Weezer setlist mostly divided its time between Blue and Green, although I remember "Only in Dreams" being a definite highlight.

I've seen Disgruntled Goat on here. He has his moments.

Add another pro-Venture comment to the pile.

Say what you will about any of these bands on their own…


He's Bruce Wayne everybody.